Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Unadulterated Truth About Land Trusts

Dear Real Estate Investor,
Whether you own one house or 100 you've worked hard to get ahead. But all of your hard work, equity, and peace of mind could come to a screeching halt if you do something almost everybody does. Do you own your house in your own name? Man, is that dangerous.

When you discover and understand how to correctly use a land trust your ability to avoid costly legal battles and protect what's yours will give you the peace of mind and protection you must have in today's crazy litigious society!

Here's the "real" problem…

People are being sold on the idea that a land trust will eliminate liability and lawsuits because it keeps their name off public records. While this can be true we have yet to see even one person come in with a land trust set up correctly! What the so called experts aren't telling you is any attorney worth his weight in salt can quickly look at a land trust and within minutes determine if it is set up correctly. And when it is set up wrong, as almost all are, it not only hurts you, but actually helps an opposing party if they want to sue you and take your assets!

Fact is most people own their property in their own name, an LLC, or a Corporation and have no idea the danger they are in. You've worked a lifetime to get where you are and you could lose it all in the blink of eye! Just one lawsuit or judgment and you can kiss your house and equity goodbye. But, there is hope, I have a SOLUTION!

You might be asking yourself "Is it really dangerous to own my own home in my name?" Let me ask you a few questions: Would you walk around with your financial statement and net worth on display for everyone to see? Yet, that's exactly what your doing by owning property in your own name! And if you think your protected in an LLC, Corporation, or Partnership think again!

Anyone, and I mean anyone can run down to the county courthouse or recorder's office and research who owns property. And now that almost all real estate records are computerized all of your holding can be located in lightening speed with just a touch of a button! Who might want this information? Attorneys, IRS, creditors, disgruntled tenants, newspaper reporters, ex's, and other "snoops" that might see you as their free lunch ticket.

When you finally discover exactly what it takes to set up your trusts correctly for true protection and peace of mind… you will have become one of the elite few with the tools and understanding to properly set up a land trust that delivers real protection and privacy.

And once you learn the secrets of how to create and use land trusts as a real estate investor you'll know how to recapture your privacy and make yourself a "non target." Here's a few things to think about… Who To Choose As The Trustee And Beneficiary?

The fact is this: most people are being sold on the benefits of a land trust and are so caught up in the hype of how easy it is they are never taught how to set it up correctly. And then they find themselves using the land trust that is set up wrong from the start and they make it worse by naming the wrong trustees and beneficiaries.

Believe it or not I frequently see investors name themselves as both trustee and beneficiary. That's like committing suicide twice! Ahh, stop the madness! Why The Wrong Land Trust Is A Silent Killer!

The major selling points of a land trust are you can set them up yourself, you don't have to file them with any state agency, and you can be the only person with a copy. That's all great news when you are set up correctly. So what's the problem, right?

Everybody thinks they are well protected until something goes wrong and all of a sudden there is a lawsuit. Sure, you thought the only thing at risk was one property because it was the only property in the land trust. But what a surprise you have when you're land trust is found to be worthless and now EVERY PROPERTY YOU OWN IS EXPOSED. And then they place a 'lis pendens' on every property you control and now you can't sell any of them.

Are you scared? You should be because that was the nightmare one of my clients lived. And it all could have been avoided easily if…

Instead of "fixing" one problem after another, you'll discover how to property set up a land trust where the problems simply do not exist. A simple and direct process designed to protect you from the beginning … a way where everything works … a way where you understand what you are doing and why.

LOOK: This is like NOTHING like the land trusts being promoted, by any real estate expert or guru. It is truly beyond their model.

When you think about how much money people have spent learning how to make money it is absolutely mind boggling that most of these people have invested nothing into protecting their assets. I don't think I'd be off-base to charge $500.00 to create just one land trust for you. But I'm not going to do that, even though I probably should.

So here's the deal: We have an incredible Gold Eagle and Platinum Eagle Land Trust Package and they are NOW available for a fraction of what you should invest. But only if your place your order NOW and make sure you get in while the getting is good.

And so, at this point, if you've come this far with me, you know what to do. Hit the order button shown below and you'll be on your way.

Now, go buy a house!

Gerald Romine

P.S. The Platinum Eagle Land Trust is the complete package for real estate investors that are active in the markets. Get your hands on this package now so your deals are done correctly from start to finish. You'll never regret having this knowledge and all the documents you need to do it right the first time. And I'm hoping you never need the protection this package provides, but if you do having it in place will be PRICELESS.

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