Tuesday, April 21, 2009

don't buy any real estate

it is the wrong time!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Property Tax Loans - Frequently Asked Questions

Business is booming in Texas for property tax lenders who continue to see an influx of borrowers. These lenders offer a solution for property owners who seek an alternative to the high cost penalties and interest charged by the tax assessors for delinquency of property taxes. Property tax loans offer owners the ability to avoid the lump sum payment in exchange for a monthly payment schedule that fits their budget
With the economic crisis worsening, property tax lenders expect a record number of borrowers in the months ahead. If you are interested in a solution for your delinquent property taxes, these frequently asked questions may assist your search.


What type of property will qualify for a property tax loan? Loans are available for almost any type of real estate as long as the borrower is not in bankruptcy and the property is reasonably maintained. This includes residential, commercial, investment properties and vacant land.

Can the loan help with past due taxes, interest and penalty fees as well? Yes, if you meet the requirements, a property tax loan can instantly pay your current and past due taxes including accrued interest, penalties and legal fees.

I have several properties. Can you make a loan for multiple properties? The lender will need to make a separate loan for each property, but generally all loans can closed on the same day.

Do you make loans on personal property or for federal income taxes? No, property tax lenders only make loans for residential or commercial properties in the state of Texas.

Can I get extra cash out beyond what is owed for my property taxes? No, by law property tax lenders are restricted to granting loans only for the tax amount, penalties, interest and closing costs, including legal fees.


How do I apply for a property tax loan? Lenders take applications online or over the phone. You can apply with Property Tax Funding by calling a loan counselor at 1-877-776-7391. You may also submit a pre-application on our website at http://www.propertytaxfunding.com/applynow.html A loan counselor will call you to complete the application at your convenience.

What if I've had past credit problems? Credit history is typically not an issue, except in cases of current bankruptcy. Loans are approved for most applicants, even those with not so perfect credit. All loans are subject to income verification.

What materials are required for an application? When applying for a loan on residential property, you will need to complete the loan application form. The application will require your social security and driver's license number, along with mortgage, insurance, and bank information. Commercial applicants should have the above information available. The lender may also require Articles of Incorporation, Partnership Agreements, and current financials.


What are the terms of a property tax loan? Loan terms vary by lender. Typical terms available are 5, 7, and 10 year terms. This allows the borrower the flexibility and a payment they can afford.

What is the interest rate on a property tax loan? Interest rates vary. Contact your preferred lender to learn their rates.


How will I make my monthly payments? Borrowers repay loans through an ACH agreement authorizing direct debit of their bank account or by mailing in a monthly payment. Payments are typically due on the first or fifteenth of each month. Will my property be foreclosed upon if I am late or miss a payment? Foreclosure can be initiated when a loan is delinquent. Property tax lenders will make every attempt to work out an agreeable payment plan and in some cases restructure your loan to accommodate your needs. If default continues, a court approved foreclosure can occur to collect the outstanding debt.

Can I pay my loan off early? Yes you can pay your loan off at any time. Most lenders do not charge an early payment penalty on residential loans.

Overcoming Real Obstacles to Purchasing A Home

It used to be, you go look for a home and if you found something you like you contact your bank, secure your financing and submit an offer.
Your offer was accepted, you go into escrow, it closes, you're done.

Not in today's market, it's a whole different story.

Here's what happening, client searches to find a home, after 3 to 6 months, they finally find the house they've been looking for. They decide they are going to go make an offer, but never checked with a bank whether or not they can get a loan. While they were busy with the bank, someone else came in and made an offer and bought their house.

That person had their paperwork in order to make an offer.

In today's market you will need the following things to make an offer:

1)Pre-Approval Letter - it means that the bank has run your credit, verified your income and whatever else they do to give you a loan. You are essentially approved for a loan, you now just have to find the house.

2)Proof of Funds - that means if you are going to put 3%, 5% 20% etc whatever money you are putting down, you need to show proof of it. If that money is sitting in a bank account, they will want bank statements to show the money is there. If you are using stocks or bonds, they will need copies to show that is where the money is coming from. They want a paper trail, to show where you're money is.

3)3% deposit check of the purchase price So if the house you are going to purchase is $100,000.00, you will need to submit a check along with your offer in the amount of $3,000.00

4)Your Offer

But I thought this was a buyers market? It is a buyers market. Not the buyers market of yesterday, it's a 2009 buyers market. What do I mean by that, I mean that if you find a good piece of property that is in a good neighborhood and is priced well, guess what, 20 other people want what you want. Not all properties are the same, they each have a story and not all the properties on the market are in good neighborhoods, in good shape and priced well.

That's the reality of the market today, but that's ok, that's why I'm here. To help you beat the game and win by not only finding the right home for your but help you buy the right home for you.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What to Look for When Buying Mountain Land

If a mountain home in Washington is your idea of paradise, you'll need to know how to find the right type of acreage for sale. The Evergreen state is a prized location for those in search of mountain land for sale. With a little research, you'll easily find your dream plot of land for sale in Washington.

Researching Washington Mountain Land

The Internet can be your right arm in conducting research on mountain acreage for sale. Learn more information about the state before narrowing your search to a specific region. In general, those in search of mountain land for sale flock to Washington for its opulent woodlands, majestic peaks and deep valleys. Land for sale in Washington is truly rich, as the evergreen state earns its moniker for lush forests that abound with conifers and broadleaf trees like the Ponderosa pine, the Douglas fir, the Quaking Aspen and the Black Cottonwood.

Factors to Consider Before Buying Mountain Land for Sale in Washington

Once you narrow your search by region and find a plot of mountain land for sale to fall in love with, contact the agent or broker for details on the property. If you are planning to use the land for development, be sure to find out about building codes. You'll want to verify that the acreage for sale is able to support the structure you intend to build. Examine the slope of the land and make sure the soil provides a stable foundation.

Other considerations include the septic system and water supply. The right plot of land for sale in Washington can support an adequate septic system and has plentiful resources for quality drinking water. In some cases, the mountain land for sale may be part of a community water supply, while in others you may be responsible for installing a private individual water supply.

Home access is another important concern when evaluating mountain acreage for sale. Determine the ease with which the property can be accessed, which includes the distance to the closest state maintained roads and the conditions of the roads leading directly to the property.

Still other factors to consider before buying mountain land for sale in Washington include power sources and whether the land has been surveyed. You'll want to know about any land covenants to the acreage for sale and the type, whether protective or restrictive. To avoid any unnecessary hassle, be sure you're looking at mountain land for sale with clearly defined borders. Make sure you understand any easements and mineral rights to your land before signing on the dotted line.

Buying The Perfect Office Space

Are you planing for a new business? The first thing that you should keep in mind is its location. This is of vital importance. Once you fix on the location you must star searching for office space in the specific area or city. This job is easier said than done because there are too many things involved before you can claim an office space as truly yours. Most business owners trying to set up a business outlet, retail chains or a simple office goes for rentable or leased properties. These are cheaper and because you do not have the guarantee of success for any job it is vital that you stick to the rent or lease properties.
But then finding the right space does not always depend on your ability of paying the rent or the lease money. Your primary job in a new city or a new area is to find a great real estate broker. He is the crucial bridge between the landowners and you. Try for the best people in business because it will depend on their success to get you the desire office space. He broker should be licensed and experienced. He should be able to look into all the necessary legal details regarding the office space. Since law is not your forte it is vita that your broker be well conversant of the local property laws and rights. He should be able to answer all your queries on the particular space.

Most landowners are skeptical about the type of business you do. You should make them understand your line of work. The best thing you can do is prepare a brochure of your company and its objectives and a report of your financial statement to induce confidence on your. Always have a backup property or apartment handy. If somehow the main deal does not go through you will have a second option handy instead of wasting your time. Also take the help of other professionals like your architect and room planner. They can advice you on the actual space need and how to utilize the space effectively. Often people take apartments which has either less or more space than required in your line of business. Your broker should also be able to help you to settle other impending right of a third person on the same property, personal injury, condemnation rights and property damage.

If you are searching for real estate option in Dallas for setting up your dream company then there is only one real estate brokers who can actually help you from the start to the end. They are called VIP Realty and they specialize in providing excellent office space for all types of business and industries in Dallas. This city still has space to grow and the rents here are far cheaper than Washington or New York. Develop your retail chain, wholesale depot, offices and factories in Dallas with the help of VIP Realty.

The Unadulterated Truth About Land Trusts

Dear Real Estate Investor,
Whether you own one house or 100 you've worked hard to get ahead. But all of your hard work, equity, and peace of mind could come to a screeching halt if you do something almost everybody does. Do you own your house in your own name? Man, is that dangerous.

When you discover and understand how to correctly use a land trust your ability to avoid costly legal battles and protect what's yours will give you the peace of mind and protection you must have in today's crazy litigious society!

Here's the "real" problem…

People are being sold on the idea that a land trust will eliminate liability and lawsuits because it keeps their name off public records. While this can be true we have yet to see even one person come in with a land trust set up correctly! What the so called experts aren't telling you is any attorney worth his weight in salt can quickly look at a land trust and within minutes determine if it is set up correctly. And when it is set up wrong, as almost all are, it not only hurts you, but actually helps an opposing party if they want to sue you and take your assets!

Fact is most people own their property in their own name, an LLC, or a Corporation and have no idea the danger they are in. You've worked a lifetime to get where you are and you could lose it all in the blink of eye! Just one lawsuit or judgment and you can kiss your house and equity goodbye. But, there is hope, I have a SOLUTION!

You might be asking yourself "Is it really dangerous to own my own home in my name?" Let me ask you a few questions: Would you walk around with your financial statement and net worth on display for everyone to see? Yet, that's exactly what your doing by owning property in your own name! And if you think your protected in an LLC, Corporation, or Partnership think again!

Anyone, and I mean anyone can run down to the county courthouse or recorder's office and research who owns property. And now that almost all real estate records are computerized all of your holding can be located in lightening speed with just a touch of a button! Who might want this information? Attorneys, IRS, creditors, disgruntled tenants, newspaper reporters, ex's, and other "snoops" that might see you as their free lunch ticket.

When you finally discover exactly what it takes to set up your trusts correctly for true protection and peace of mind… you will have become one of the elite few with the tools and understanding to properly set up a land trust that delivers real protection and privacy.

And once you learn the secrets of how to create and use land trusts as a real estate investor you'll know how to recapture your privacy and make yourself a "non target." Here's a few things to think about… Who To Choose As The Trustee And Beneficiary?

The fact is this: most people are being sold on the benefits of a land trust and are so caught up in the hype of how easy it is they are never taught how to set it up correctly. And then they find themselves using the land trust that is set up wrong from the start and they make it worse by naming the wrong trustees and beneficiaries.

Believe it or not I frequently see investors name themselves as both trustee and beneficiary. That's like committing suicide twice! Ahh, stop the madness! Why The Wrong Land Trust Is A Silent Killer!

The major selling points of a land trust are you can set them up yourself, you don't have to file them with any state agency, and you can be the only person with a copy. That's all great news when you are set up correctly. So what's the problem, right?

Everybody thinks they are well protected until something goes wrong and all of a sudden there is a lawsuit. Sure, you thought the only thing at risk was one property because it was the only property in the land trust. But what a surprise you have when you're land trust is found to be worthless and now EVERY PROPERTY YOU OWN IS EXPOSED. And then they place a 'lis pendens' on every property you control and now you can't sell any of them.

Are you scared? You should be because that was the nightmare one of my clients lived. And it all could have been avoided easily if…

Instead of "fixing" one problem after another, you'll discover how to property set up a land trust where the problems simply do not exist. A simple and direct process designed to protect you from the beginning … a way where everything works … a way where you understand what you are doing and why.

LOOK: This is like NOTHING like the land trusts being promoted, by any real estate expert or guru. It is truly beyond their model.

When you think about how much money people have spent learning how to make money it is absolutely mind boggling that most of these people have invested nothing into protecting their assets. I don't think I'd be off-base to charge $500.00 to create just one land trust for you. But I'm not going to do that, even though I probably should.

So here's the deal: We have an incredible Gold Eagle and Platinum Eagle Land Trust Package and they are NOW available for a fraction of what you should invest. But only if your place your order NOW and make sure you get in while the getting is good.

And so, at this point, if you've come this far with me, you know what to do. Hit the order button shown below and you'll be on your way.

Now, go buy a house!

Gerald Romine

P.S. The Platinum Eagle Land Trust is the complete package for real estate investors that are active in the markets. Get your hands on this package now so your deals are done correctly from start to finish. You'll never regret having this knowledge and all the documents you need to do it right the first time. And I'm hoping you never need the protection this package provides, but if you do having it in place will be PRICELESS.

Land Won't Always Be for Sale

The surface of the Earth may cover well over 200 million square miles, but don't let yourself be fooled into thinking that land is an unlimited resource and that you'll always find acreage for sale. In fact, roughly three-fourths of the surface of the planet is covered with water. As for the remaining one-fourth, only a small fraction of that is actually habitable.

Undeveloped Land for Sale -- It's a Small World After All

Given the continuously rising human population and limited opportunities for buying land, it's reasonably safe to say that there won't always be enough acreage for sale. Of course, you can feasibly assume that a fair amount of real estate owners will frequently want to turn over their developed land investments for a profit.

However, if your vision of the best place to buy property involves raw, untapped land for sale, you can trust that plenty of prospective real estate owners are already scouting out the nicest plots of land. Undeveloped acreage for sale is a precious commodity and the scarcer land becomes, the more it will cost.

Regions With Raw Acreage for Sale -- Best Place to Buy Property

If you're looking for the best place to buy property in the U.S., you can still find fair deals on undeveloped land for sale. Look to areas such as the American Northwest and the American Southwest. Both of these regions offer affordable prices and a wealth of land purchasing opportunities.

Northwestern states such as Washington, Oregon and Montana are great locations with beautiful terrain and numerous parcels of undeveloped mountain land for sale. Due to the abundance of lakes, rivers and streams, the American Northwest is also often touted as the best place to buy waterfront property.

If you're looking for ranch acreage for sale, consider the American Southwest during your hunt for the best place to buy property. States like Texas, Arizona and New Mexico have several plots of reasonably priced undeveloped land for sale.

Be Smart in Your Search of Undeveloped Land for Sale in the U.S.

If you locate a great plot of raw acreage for sale, be sure that you know what you're getting into before finalizing the real estate investment. Work with a trusted real estate agent or broker to put all the necessary check marks in place.